
Enhanced and expanded security monitoring capabilities at your fingertips

Improved interface for PTZ control, multiple monitor support, dynamic layouts, easy camera search and multiple viewer client support.

  • Record and access stored video taken from up to 25 security cameras on your network
  • Manage and access the video by computer
  • Robust, comprehensive system for security monitoring, recording and reviewing


Multiple recording modes

Cameras can be set to record continuously or special schedules. It also supports the video analytics of the Canon network cameras such as Motion Detection and Abandoned Object Detection.

Customized recording options

Cameras can be set to record continuously, on motion detection, or even on a sensory event. The camera can also be set to record while a preset tour is running and even change settings for exposure based on the camera site.

Video retrieval and playback

Video and audio may be retrieved quickly and easily in a variety of ways such as through Timeline, Event Search, Jump to Time and Live Events Log.